Budapesti Klasszikus Film Maraton 2024: Vissza a jövőbe II.
Back to the Future Part II
American sci-fi, adventure, colour, 108 min, 1989
In English language, with Hungarian subtitles
Back to the Future Part II
American sci-fi, adventure, colour, 108 min, 1989
In English language, with Hungarian subtitles
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!
Last event date: Saturday, September 21 2024 8:30PM
Director: Robert Zemeckis
Screenplay by Robert Zemeckis, Bob Gale
Director of photography: Dean Cundey
Music by Alan Silvestri
Cast: Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson
Future of the Past
Introduction by: Attila Vörös, MWA, Klang operator, projectionist, NFI - Film Archive
Sometimes, a sequel turns out even better than the original. Is it possible to travel in time and not cause fundamental changes in the present with every move one makes? This is one of the pivotal questions of this movie, along with exploring which genre best resolves the paradox of time loops. The answer is, without a doubt, light comedy. While there is no hard rock or family scenes this time around, the film is filled with jokes poking fun at contemporary American culture, great music, and it even features the iconic hoverboard, which is slowly becoming more of a reality. Steven Spielberg was producer of this Zemeckis film.
Supporting film: Rhapsody in Blue Jeans
Hungarian animation, colour, 1983, dir: Annamária Zoltán, No dialogue, 5’
Distributor: Nemzeti Filmintézet - Filmarchívum
More information on the Budapest Classic Film Marathon's program at Uránia >>
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élő zenei koncert, 60 perc, 2025
magyar dokumentumfilm, 81 perc, 2024 magyar nyelven
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