
A tea illata

A tea illata

Black Tea
French - Luxembourgish - Taiwanese - Mauritian romantic film, 111 min, 2024
in original language (Mandarin, French, English, Portuguese) with Hungarian subtitles

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Sunday, September 01 2024 1:30PM

Director: Abderrahmane Sissako
Cast: Nina Mélo, Chang Han, Wu Ke-Xi, Michael Chang


Aya is a woman in her early thirties. After astonishing everyone by saying “No” on her wedding day, she leaves the Ivory Coast for a new life in China. Living in an area where the African diaspora meets the Chinese culture, she finds a job in a tea boutique owned by Cai, a 45-year-old Chinese man. In the privacy of the shop’s backroom, Cai initiates Aya into the Chinese tea ceremony. As he teaches her this ancient art, their relationship slowly grows into one of tender love. But for their burgeoning passion to be supported by trust, both of them must let go of their burdens and face up to their pasts.

Awards: Berlin International Film Festival 2024

Premier: 2024.08.15. 

Distributor: Mozinet

Our offer

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